The Scottish Parliament
28 February 2010
I know that many parents and teachers thoughout the westem Isles will have been concerned, as I was, To learn yesterday of the plans before the comhairle to consult on the future of eleven schools in the islands and im many cases bring to an end the role of junior secondaries.
I would hope that the consultation will be a full one and that parents and teachers will engage to the full extent with it. My own very strong instinct is that schools should not be closed unless there is some sound educational reason for them to dosi. I remain impressed with the record of the junior secondaries and other rural schools and intend to make representations to the Comhairle on be half of these communities.
With that in mind, I would be keen to have any opportunity to meet with your staff and parents to hear your views about these matters and wondered if you might be wriling to contact my office with a view to arranging such a meeting.
I hope to see you soon, but in the meantime, please do not hesitate to let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
yous sincerely
Lintang Damaringati
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